In the Autumn of 2019, Bright Club Ireland, the variety night uniting academic research and comedy, will fund two comedians / performers to develop material related to climate action in collaboration with a researcher from this field and the Climate Ambassador Programme.
Given the urgent but overwhelming nature of this issue, this initiative aims to share knowledge about real solutions with the public in a way that makes them feel empowered, engaged and positive about Climate Action.”
Two grants worth €250 will be awarded to two performers willing to develop a 10 minute set related to this topic. A series of collaboration meetings will be organized with a researcher to inform the material developed.
Applicants must:
- Engage in a minimum of one collaboration session with a researcher. Bright Club will pair performers with researchers and arrange an initial collaboration session. The successful applicant must use the content from this meeting to inform their material and review their draft material with their research partner.
- Be available to perform the developed material in Galway on October 9th 2019.
- Be based primarily in the Republic of Ireland.
To apply, please send the following information to by the 15th of August 2019:
- Your name, a clip up to 15 minutes in length of you performing, and any examples of other previous related work.
- A 100 word description of why you are interested in this project and why you think you are a suitable candidate.
We are looking for performers who are interested and can demonstrate an ability to present complex topics in an engaging and thought provoking way. Comedy as well as other performance and art styles will be considered. Preference will not be given to acts who have performed previously at Bright Club.
Successful applicants will be paid €250 on completion of this project, i.e. after their live performance on October 9th. Travel expenses incurred will also be covered.
The closing date for submissions is the 15th of August 2019. Please send all queries to